since the technology have been improved, we can enjoy and percept many more fanastic images and sound, the emergence of digital cinema is a good example.
according to wekipedia, digital cinema means to use technology to show image and motion, colour and sound can be edited by the filmmakers in pro-shooting ( period., Digital Cinema, 2010/10/6). tradition filmming means that to use tradition method to film, thus sound, lightening is not allowed be edited after shooting, usually long shoot is used in traditional filmmaking (more than 3.3 seconds), the best example for the traditional filmmaking is Ali, Fear Eat the Soul.
(traditional filmmaking ALI: fear eats the soul)
from above, we can know that the appearance can be much more fine and well-edited than the traditional filmmaking. also because of the help of the technology many unrealistic effect can be created in the sense, like the whole appearance of the Earth, which shown in the president of evil 3d. in addition, sound, music can be much more vivid, more importantly, the 3D effect can make the viewers be more dovoted into the films.
on the other hand, the appearance of the traditional filmmaking is qiute rough, but more realistic, likethe main character is sweating. because of the constraint of the instant filming technology, the shooting the film is not like the digital cinema (president of evil 3d. ) (which usually take a fast shooting ,usually a shoot take 1-2seconds) , usually take a long shoot. also , because no sound editing and lightening edition can be done, the film seems not as fine as the digital cinema.
then, let's take about the perspective of the story differences between the digital cinema and traditional filmmaking.
because the technology is the main point of the digital cinema, story structure tends to be loose and unrealistic, like president of evil 3 d, it is talking the main character Alice is a superwoman, who go to save the surviver, and fight against the dead walks and the company, Umbralla.(, residentevil : afterlife, 2010/10/6) however, unlike the digital cinema, the selling point of the traditional filmmaing is tend to reveal the blackside of society, like ali fear eats the soul is talking about the German Immigrants suffered from the bias and unfair treatment by the local people, the story tends to be meaning ful and well structure (, Ali: fear eats the soul (1974), 2010/10/6)
does them remind me of any art forms? ah.....
i think..the digital cinema mak remind me of the painting of VanGoh, Screaming, because of the unrealistic feeling suggested by the painting and i think which is quite related to my feeling towards the film.
but the traditional filmmaking remind me of a software powerpoint more than a art form, because it seems quite rare and slow in the movire. =.=