pay attention to 00:48 of the clip, which domonstrates how the transmediale work!!
oh my god~ only the professor pressed the buttons of the remote control on his hand, the man who wore the machine would do action which he didn't intented to do!!! amazing work~ huh?!
by when we look into what Stelarc have done.. i think.. he is an artist who sacrifies for art sake!!
according to website named Stelarc's talk at Transmediale- We Make Money Not Art, ( Stelar is a performance artist whose home town is in Australia. what he is try to do is that through implanation (==") with medical equipment, prosthetics (for example: faked arms) and internet to explore human capacity.
wow! if i were him, i juz can't imergine how painful it is !!!
=.= awful!! it is the wounds left by the performance.

in the clip, Stelarc fully explains and domonstrates his idea of making "the body is performaning as a slipped body" (03:16) by implanting cells into people's stomach or other body parts, like arms which demonstrated in the first clip. in his thinking, body is "obsolete". this idea could be proved by the first clip, he implant a cells into the student's both arms and connect the cells with the remote control by using electricity strings, so that students can to what he might not want to do, which that the body of the student is a "segregated body" because it is controlled by Stekarc but not the student himself!!!
why i don't it is most interesting because what way Stelarc act reminds me of a taboo in society nowadays, that is body modification, people who like implanting something into their body in order to chase for a sense of excitment and "asthetic feeling"
more interestly, Stelarc's art work, walking head (2003) make me think of Doctor Octopus in Spiderman 2!! they are just too similar~!! aren't they?! huh?